The Beginning The End and Back Again

In the Beginning there were questions; so many questions
There was searching and wanting and finding
There was compromise and ambiguity
And it was all so fun; all so much fun!
Fun was the rule, it was the goal, it was the game
And it was all a game; all so much a game!
I was one of many; a group a clan we were
And it was all so fun; so much fun!

In the End there was judging, prejudging, and age
There was knowing, assumptions, and apathy
So much apathy, all so much apathy
Pride was the rule, the goal, the game
And it was all a game; all so much a game!
I was one of many; scattered and distant we were
And it was all lonely; so very lonely!

Back Again I am; face to face with familiarity
Deja vu every day Deja vu every day
The game still can be played; it never ends...
But the difference is my mind, the difference is my heart, the difference is my soul
2 Corinthians 5:17
