To Boldly Go Where No Marriage Has Gone Before

Whats Up!

So, please forgive me. I am a terrible person. Teaching renders me at times feeling as if I just got done facing  Jon Jones (an extreme cage fighter) at the end of each work day. Thus, blogging  has gone down though I have had tons of thoughts to share from week to week that I just share with the wife. NO one else is around me enough and or willing to hear me blab on about my thoughts, she is a faithful wife. Yep, my wife is pretty faithful...and pretty practical too. In fact, this is why I call her, with deep and heart felt affection, "Spock".

Spock And Kirk

Alright, in case you do not understand Star Trek then let me give you a low down. Its awesome! Okay, I guess I will describe a little more for you. In the span of 50 years Star Trek has launched several different series. Each has a captain, a ship, a crew, and they pretty much fly around the galaxy blowing up aliens. Each story structure pretty much goes like this: Space ship meets alien ship, alien ship is being a total jerk, alien ship shoots space ship, captain gives the iconic "red alert" command, sparks fly around and crew members are thrown around the ship, somehow the alien ship gets destroyed, and the end. Its EPIC! However, in all the different tv shows there is one relationship that stands out as the most quintessential and representative of Star Trek and that is the one between Spock and Kirk. Spock, is the emotionally stoic, practical, pragmatic, and tough minded first officer. Kirk is the whimsical, creative, unpredictable, and spontaneous maverick. They both rely on each other so much and depend on each others strengths to lead the other crew. And interestingly enough, Spock is so like my wife and I am Kirk...according to Myers Briggs anyway. I am an ENFP, she, and ISTJ. If you don't know the Myers Briggs then look it up, its nuts! There are so many times when I want to do something crazy and she finds the logic to talk me out of it (and for the better) and there are times when I just don't care how illogical it sounds and I do it anyway. I even take her along with me. At the end she is glad for the new experience. Yep, she digs me! There are so many things that Alyssa and I are different in yet we both agree on things that will never change: Jesus and His Truth. Again, we are different. As different as Spock and Kirk at times. And in this difference it is tempting to say, are we too different? I mean, we don't show resemblance to any fake tv or movie marriage that we see. Hmm...

What is the Perfect Match?

When the pastor showed our statistics he said marriages based on sex last 6-12 months, marriages based on emotional connections last 3-5 years, and marriages based on intellectual connections (seeing life the same way) last 7-10. However, marriages based on a foundation that will not be shaken ed or changed for as long as the two are alive tend to last for a life time. Wow, this is starting to hit to home I bet, hey? There is an predominant  sense in the latest Star Trek film that Kirk and Spock are drawn together because of a common enemy, Nero. They both are different people but they both have the same goal and that is to destroy Nero and save Earth. This goal consequently begins an awesome enduring relationship of exploring the galaxy and blowing up bad guys...and their ships. It is sad, but I think a lot of marriages and relationships are based on things that are just focused on the other person, not a third entity that is more amazing then themselves alone. Jesus is suppose to do this for all of us, single, married, remarried, or divorced I am beginning to see. He is the Perfect Match. Yet, we as a society keep missing it perhaps. And when I miss that idea, well I don't act as such a good husband. All marriages take work, holy work even is what I am beginning to see, and me and my wife are both seeing that it also takes a foundation, a holy one as well.  No matter what the differences, with the right foundation, we are seeing how the same we are. I guess I will end it on this: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28. May our next 4 months be as fruitful as the first 4 months of marriage. Live Long And Prosper!


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